Eirene García is a great ACT psychologist based in Spain. She needed to expand and establish her brand image to support her social media activity. We decided to create two promotional videos and also develop a lot of stuff to use in posts, blog headers, illustrations for books and e-learning that she develops herself.


We address a very broad and diverse target: women and men, old and young, couples and singles… This is a nightmare for any designer, but the common point of all of them is that they are people who at some point in their lives need help to overcome their problems so we decided to create a main character that everyone can relate to.

We used a reduced color palette, textures to enrich the backgrounds and objects, very simple and effective backgrounds, and very expressive characters that would connect with our wide audience.


Eirene uses this character in her sessions to help visualize those negative voices that sound in our minds. He guesses the future and punishes you with your past, he always has a collection of negative affirmations that distort the vision of oneself and of reality.

For the design we wanted to create a kind of ghost that torments you but with a lot of humor.

Promo 1 /// Climbing Everest

In the first of the two promos made for Eirene García, we explain what reasons can make us seek the help of a good psychologist.

Promo 2 /// The Drama Queen

In the second of the two promos made for Eirene García, we introduce the Drama Queen, a character that lives inside our minds.